目前分類:BCBA (5)

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Autism Awakening "-認識 BCBA行為治療師的素質,切勿神化專業的能力。

There is a formal credentialing within the profession of behavior analysts coordinated by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (http://bacb.com). Certification under this process provides parents with some safeguards with respect to the services of the professional. It assures the parent that the professional has undergone specific training and supervision by qualified Behavior Analysts and has completed specific coursework related to behavioral analysis and interventions. However, parents need to understand that a BCBA certification does not guarantee that the professional has any training or experience specific to autism or that that individual has the skills necessary to produce optimal treatment outcomes. Thus, a parent should always ask about the individual professionals’ specific experience and training in the implementation and training of ABA programs for individuals with autism. Finally, since the BCBA certification process is relatively new, there are a number of professionals who have actively been working in the field for many years and who are in the later stages of their career who are not BCBAs. If you interested in working with a non-certified professional, parents are urged to request information relating to their qualifications and experience.

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