
Autism Awakening "故事三:我會整理書包



Autism Awakening



Autism Awakening 



Autism Awakening 我不相信幼稚園認知,瞭解手忙腳亂


Autism Awakening "

所以, 父母手上確認已習得的目標,必須有以下的項目:

1. charlie 是名字

2. 幼稚園

3. 學校

4. 上學

5. all

6. very much

7. 大部分  most

8. 像我 alike

9. 這麽 similar

10. 嘗嘗 try

11. 整理 neat and organized

12. 這樣 thus

13. 第二 second

14. 早上

15. just

16. 手忙腳亂


18. 每天

19. 也可以 may also

20.  自己 myself

21.  洗乾淨


23.  放到

24.  餐袋

25.  乾淨的水壶

26. 書包




30. 联絡簿

31. 星期六

32. 星期日 vs. 星期天

33. 或者 maybe

34. 其他 other

35. 時間 time

36. 可能不 probably not

37. 前一天 the day before

38. 可以不用 ok to not

39. 如果 if

40. 會覺得

41. 比較

42. 輕鬆

43. 也會




Autism Awakening "

The most common misconception is that the goal of  a Social Story is to change Audience behavior . This has never being the case. -  Carol Gary,  Social Story creator.


Autism Awakening "DTT using the story to generalize and to chain a serious of the mastered items, keep the goal in mind:


1. All the information gathered to improve the understanding of the children in relation to a  situation,  skill, or concept.


2. Must cIealy identify the specific topics and the types of information to share in the story in order to perform chaining amd maintaining the mastered items."


Autism Awakening 這是第一天的教授内容,不可忘記!



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